Starting of the State of Colorado Started with Zeta Zeta Zeta
Zeta Zeta Zeta Chapter was the first chartered chapter in the State of Colorado in June 1960. The charter was granted by Grand Basileus Isabel M. Herson in June 1960 and was presented by Midwestern Regional Director Jewell Livingston. After the closed chartering ceremony, the Chapter members along with the Regional Director celebrated at a worship service at Scott’s United Methodist Church then located at 22nd Avenue and Ogden Street The pastor of St. Luke’s at that time was Brother Rev. John Jackson. The Charter Members were: Mary Black, Edithye Bryant, Jeannette Goens-McCrary, Celestine James, Rebecca Miller, Arvella Reynolds, Ruth Walton Slater, and Mildred Stevenson. Soror Celestine James served as the Chapter’s first Basileus. As of 2023, Soror James is the last living Charter Member of Zeta Zeta Zeta Chapter for our State.
Our State hosted many of our State Conference through 2002.
First conference record:
1. 29th Annual Regional Conference, August 24-26, 1967, Hyatt House Hotel. Theme: “New Dimensions; The Forward Look”--Sub Theme: “Modern Frontiers for the Involvement of Women.” In attendance: Mildred Carter Bradham, Grand Basileus; Jewell Livingston, Midwestern Regional Director; Jeanette Goens, Basileus; Irene Potts, Regional Marshal; and Mary Black, Associate Director.
2. 37th Midwestern Regional Conference, April 15-17, 1976, Regency Inn. Theme: “Greater Commitment: Greater Involvement: Providing New Approaches to Community Outreach Services.” In attendance: Janice G. Kissner, Grand Basileus; Elece C. Dempsey, Midwestern Regional Director; Isabella Allen, Basileus/Associate Regional Director; and Rebecca Miller, Regional Marshal.
3. 44th Midwestern Regional Conference, March 31-April 2, 1983, Denver Hilton Hotel. Theme: Zetas Working Together For Progress: Rendering Service to Improve the Human Conditions.” In attendance: Soror Edith V. Francis Ed. D., International Grand Basileus; Ersaline I. Porchia, Midwestern Regional Director; W. Helen McCallum, Basileus; Constance Williams, State Director; and Wilma Arnold, Regional Marshal.
4. 55th Midwestern Regional Leadership Conference, March 24-27, 1994, Radisson Hotel. Theme: “Linking Resources Together to Provide World Class Service.” In attendance: Jylla Moore-Foster, International Grand Basileus, Norma J. Collins, Midwestern Regional Director; Lisa M. Givens Basileus/Regional Marshal, and Margaret M. Neal, State Director.
5. 61st Midwestern Regional Leadership Conference, March 14 0 17, 2002, Marriott Denver. Theme: “Zetas, meeting the challenge of our commitment to service.” In attendance: Barbara West Carpenter, International Grand Basileus, Lillian Marigny, Midwestern Regional Director, Colleen Banks, Colleen Banks, Regional Marshal and Dr. Shirley Stansberry, State Director.
State Directors:
We have been honored for having all these State Directors serve within our State listed by Name and not in order of their service. There Leadership, Loyalty, and Service continues to move our State forward. ~ Thank You to our Past and Present State Directors!
Edithye Bryant - Charter Member of Zeta Zeta Zeta
Mary Black - Charter Member of Zeta Zeta Zeta
Isabella Adams - Charter Member and also served as National Board Trustee
Rebecca Miller - First Member of Zeta, Zeta, Zeta Chapter
Official Timeframe of Recorded Colorado State Directors
1st. State Director Edithye Bryant
2nd. State Director Mary Black
3rd. State Director Rebecca Miller
4th. State Director Isabella Adams
5th. State Director Constance Williams - 1980s
6th. State Director Willie Helen McCallum * - 1970s
7th. State Director Margaret Neal - 1988-1994
8th. State Director Lisa M. Givens - 1990s
9th. State Director Dr. Shirley Stansberry -1996-2001
10th. State Director Cynthia Bell - 2001-2002
11th. State Director Dr. Shirley Stansberry - 2002-2008
12th. State Director Zoe Grant -2008-2012
13th. State Director Gloria Magwood - 2013-2018
14th. State Director Dr. Detra Duncan - 2018-2019
15th. State Director Anitra Matthews - 2019-2022
16th. State Director Jacqueline Williams - 2022 to Present
* Deceased Triumphant State Director